Take This Step To Protect Your Money From Biden's Evil AI
Make sure your retirement doesn't support failing companies... woke causes... and horrific gender mutilating surgery on children. Here's how:
Pete Coyne here with your next step to protect yourself from the dangerous Aladdin program that could ruin your retirement.
For too long, this mega-powerful AI has been funneling the money of innocent patriots into disturbing woke causes. It’s quietly controlling trillions of dollars.
If my predictions are correct, Aladdin will soon control virtually every retirement account of Americans who choose to do nothing.
This heartless machine will dictate what happens to your money.
Unless you choose to opt out.
The line must be drawn here.
That’s why I’m glad you’ve made to this page while it’s still online. You now have a chance to secure your savings from Aladdin’s grasp…
… and make sure the Dirty Dems don’t use your hard-earned savings as their personal slush fund for their filthy woke scams.
Your timing couldn’t be better.
Unless you take these steps now, you might never be able to rescue your money. After all, Biden has already pushed through the law allowing money managers to completely ignore fiduciary duty.
Clearly, he wanted to turn innocent retirees into victims.
But we’re not going to let that happen.
Instead, we’re going to use Opt Out Of The Machine.
Opt Out Of The Machine is the answer to protect every penny you own… and grow wealthier in these dark times.
Instead of watching your nest egg wither with each passing year…
Instead of disappointing returns that aren’t even close to what you were promised…
Instead of having a humiliating conversation with your spouse about needing to take a part-time job…
Instead of worrying that you will outlive your money and be left helpless…
You will have control of your wealth-building.
You’ll get to watch your investments positively SOAR.
You’ll get to enjoy your retirement and sit back with pride, knowing you made all the right moves to protect your family.
It starts right here. I would like to now send you everything you’ve learned about:
REPORT #1: Opt Out Of Aladdin
Whether you have a 401K… or have an account with a mutual fund… or any investment at all…
Just take these simple steps to protect yourself.
Grab a cup of coffee, relax in front of your computer… or your smartphone… click a few buttons… and you’re set.
Aladdin won’t be able to touch your money. And no matter how angry Biden and the dems will get, they can’t stop you.
Plus, these simple steps will make you wealthier.
REPORT #2: Dump These 27 Infected Stocks.
My network warned me about a series of crashes they expect to start happening in just a few weeks.
“Woke” companies are losing their customers and their stocks plummet.
One of these major companies has seen sales of their most famous product plummet almost 30% after they decided to go woke.
A drop like that could send a company into bankruptcy… and your investment to $0.
That’s why my network handed me a list of the worst stocks that are creeping close to the edge.
When you get your hands on this list, make sure to sell all of them before it’s too late.
REPORT #3: 3 Anti-Woke Plays Set To Soar
Just one of these stocks will pay you a dividend that’s almost 9% per year.
In other words, you’ll get paid 9% per year just to invest in this company. Plus, I expect its stock to go up, which means you could be looking at 15% or even 20% gains year after year… absolutely crushing the market.
REPORT #4: Stay Safe From Woke Banks
You'll receive a digital copy of my new 172-page book showing you how to retake control of your money and become your own bank.
Inside you'll find of brass-tacks solutions to get out of the banking system and get back in control of your money.
It’s based on the best ways to opt-out of the traditional banking system via my expert contacts in the financial protection industry.
REPORT #5: Cash In On Aladdin
This controversial report shows you an (ethical) way to take advantage of how Aladdin destroys investment portfolios.
The tactic revealed in this report isn’t for everyone. Once you see what it is, you might choose not to use this tactic.
However, if you do, you’ll be positioned to make money as Aladdin grows bigger and stronger.
PLUS, by joining today, you get:
— 12 months of my monthly newsletter, The Control Report… this will be your go-to resource for keeping up-to-date on every threat facing America and your retirement. In every issue, you’ll discover a new way to protect and grow your wealth.
— Access to our private model portfolio updated in real time… I’ll tell you a secret: My network of insiders alert me to money-making investment opportunities all the time. They tell me which stocks to buy and… just as importantly… when exactly to sell. As a member of The Control Group, you’ll get access to the model portfolio I’ve constructed exclusively for members. In other words, you’ll be handed a simple list of the best stocks for you to own right now. It’s the closest thing to having an insider looking over your shoulder and showing you exactly what to do, to build wealth like the rich do.
— You’ll also receive FREE updates delivered via e-letter straight to your inbox
You get all of this risk-free, when you choose to test out The Control Group today.
It’s a good deal. Plus, you found it at the perfect time. The listed price is $99 per year, but you found the special page where you can…
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You’ll immediately get a link for accessing all your reports. You’ll get immediate access to The Control Report issues I’ve already published. You’ll get everything.
You must get in on this now. Aladdin is coming for your savings. If you let them succeed in their plan, they will enjoy your money… and you will lose your privacy, freedom, and control.
Remember, everything comes with a 100% money back guarantee.
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ALL the special reports (including new ones as I publish them) …
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The ENTIRE model portfolio…
Print and save everything. I want you to give it a thorough review. Test how much better your investment returns are. I’m willing to take this risk because I know you’ll be delighted.
If, however, you’re not happy for any reason, simply contact my customer service team and you’ll be granted a fast refund for every penny.
Plus, even after your 6-month trial period, you can still cancel at any time. And you won’t owe another cent.
To get started, simply fill out all your information below. Then you’ll get instructions on how to access everything.
I’m sending you the same tactics and strategies that I’m using to build my own family’s wealth. I’m sure you’ll be thrilled with what you discover.
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Please note: The information discussed in The Control Group service are opinions and are for information purposes only. It is not investment, tax, insurance and estate planning advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment, tax, insurance and estate planning advice.