Monday, September 16, 2024

Why the new wave of enforcement against Crypto is bad for everyone

Posted By Peter Coyne | 2023-04-07 08:23:00
  • DeFi, or Decentralized Finance, has been under heavy scrutiny by the very entity its trying to distance itself from: the government.
  • It also recommends “stepping up engagements with foreign partners to push for stronger implementation” of the laws published in the BSA. 
  • It also recommends “stepping up engagements with foreign partners to push for stronger implementation” of the laws published in the BSA. 

Why does it matter: As the U.S. and other governments seek to move towards creating a CBDC, they are trying to increase their control over the Crypto space.

  • The government’s actions intend to put them back in the driver’s seat and allow them to regulate and control the digital currency space.

Each step beings us closer and closer to a fully government-controlled financial market where they have ultimate say over how we use our money.

Read the full article here.